Was invited to a product launch by Maybelline, and because its makeup, you know I will definitely try to be there. Thankfully, I'm having my off day. So companion of the day is none other than Annaling. Heez.. She was the first that came to my mind when I was invited. And coincidentally, she was invited as well.

Yup, that's us. Pretty obvious. I went there with makeup, only to know that we should have our makeup clear, so as we can try on their products.

Now, this is interesting. Everytime we hear of a particular product review, we see all the pros and hype, but in reality, how convince are you? The fact that we had hands on for their products, not only make me excited, it makes me feel and be able to give very honest reviews about their products. So you are in luck today, because there is going to be lots of reviews.

Posters were everywhere, and it got me so excited, because all I want is to have my hands on experience.

Here I am at the table, with a leaflet, my very own mirror (Annaling and I love this mirror so much, that we wanted to bring it home.. heez...), makeup remover and other essentials.

And that is not all. We actually had our very own goody bag. Yipee.. Mind you, all those makeup that they gave us, are not in miniature size. So tell me, what's not to enjoy about this event?
But to be more focus, this party event was to introduce all makeup junkies their latest mascara, and gel eyeliner.

The unstoppable curly extension mascara. That name itself is a total giveaway. Its so handy and best part, its package in a pink tube. Therefore, I definitely love it. By the way, have any of you have a love-hate relationship for mascara? Love- because they lengthen and give volume for your eyelashes. They made your eyes look oh-so-beautiful. Hate- because you always have difficulty in removing them.
Now good news, this mascara here is the best of both world. They give you the curve at the right place, and removing it, is as easy as ABC. Just a little soap and water, and there you go, clean eyes. And it does not harden your lashes. Ooh... Just what I love.

So, that's us, without makeup. And below, you can see the difference when my makeup is on.

Saw the difference in my eyelashes? (BETTER SAY YES!)
Alright, just kidding. That was an excuse for me to post up another picture of the 2 of us. Hee.. We did not take a close up shot, but trust me, those eyelashes indeed have volume and lengthening efftect.
The next product they launched was the Eye Studio Creamy Gel eyeliner. I've been using gel eyeliner for as long as I can remember, from The Makeup Store. But the damage done to my wallet was not small. Not only, must I purchase the eyeliner, I need to get myself a brush as well. But Maybelline is different. They provide the brush as well, and its a good one too. Wow, that is really cost saving to me. Apology for not having a photo to show you how it look, we forgot to take a shot. Heez..

Red lipstick gets me excited. I'm in love with red lips lately. So when I saw Annaling's goodie bag with that colour, I was so glad. And after using it, I fall head over heels over this lipstick.
Initially, I thought it would be very dramatic. But when I applied, I was surprised. It gives a very smooth application, and the colour was much lighter than what I expect. Last but not least, it gives moisture to your lips, making it look moist. Now, a little wet lips make one look really sexy.

Can't see that we were actually using that shade of lipstick right? I told ya!

That's all we had for the night. Did we had fun? Yes!!! And I hope you girls out there will find this useful too. Heez..
Will update soon again. Hope you can understand my busy schedule and.. I'm waiting for my camera to be back. Next post will be about mask. DIY home made mask. Now you can have your own spa, at your very own cosy room. =) Stay tune!
